Senior Thesis Exhibition 2022
Abeyaz Amir
Chia Amisola
Brice Bai
Merritt Barnwell
Onora Best
Maya Boateng
Ekow Buadu
Anne Chen
Mila Colizza
Alara Degirmenci
Ivory Fu
Pilar Galvan
Matt Herriot
Sidney Hirschman
Neo Khan
Daniel Kyungjae Lee
Sunnie Liu
Laura Padilla Castellanos
Anya Pertel
Sarah Saltzman
Sol Thompson
Julie Tran
Aliaksandra Tucha
Sofia Turner
Jieun Yu
Senior Thesis Exhibition 2022
Abeyaz Amir
Chia Amisola
Brice Bai
Merritt Barnwell
Onora Best
Maya Boateng
Ekow Buadu
Anne Chen
Mila Colizza
Alara Degirmenci
Ivory Fu
Pilar Galvan
Matt Herriot
Sidney Hirschman
Neo Khan
Daniel Kyungjae Lee
Sunnie Liu
Laura Padilla Castellanos
Anya Pertel
Sarah Saltzman
Sol Thompson
Julie Tran
Aliaksandra Tucha
Sofia Turner
Jieun Yu
Daniel Kyungjae Lee

Silk-screen printed posters, toast cards, stitch-bound book, table with various objects
9x17 ft wall install
Statement I give these earnest toasts again—cliché as they may be—in honor of all who got drunk and shared an honest moment, back into the often hopeless void of being young in 2022. These toasts may not have solved any the fears or granted any wishes, but I hope they might echo within those who happen to come by. Cheers! 짠!
toasts, friends, design, year, korea, program, book, island, artists, class, moved, korean, asked, creating, first year seminar, graduated, swamped
“Toasting with friends is like such a weird thing if it's not like Christmas or Thanksgiving. So there's been sort of a large variety of toasts that I've been given, some are really heartfelt and sincere. And then some are just really kind of dumb. But I like how they sort of become a record of that moment. But also sort of like a portrait of each person that I've asked to give a toast.”
“I mean, it's been really strange, because a lot of my close friends have either graduated or moved on. So coming back, it was like, I didn't know anyone. But I came back. And I feel like it was in a good headspace in terms of, during the two years off, it wasn't like I was just doing nothing–I was sort of actively investigating things that I wanted to pursue later on. So I came back, feeling sort of well equipped. And also, I was kind of worried about, like, all my friends being gone, but at the same time being back, it's been nice, just being in a new environment with a new group of artists.”
“I came in undecided. And then I took this class called ‘Blue’. It's a first year seminar taught by Jessica Helfand, and it was just about the color blue for the whole semester, yeah, it was so sick. And the final project was kind of open ended. The only design I had done in the past was for posters for high school clubs and things like that. But I had the option to make a book. So I tried it out. I really loved it. The professor, Jessica, recommended that I might take the intro design course. And then that kind of set me off.”
“What am I reading? Well, I just brought that book over today. It's in Korean. But it's by this writer called Sulla Lee and it's just a series of interviews she did with her friends who are also creatives. I haven't started reading it haha it includes a lot of artists that I really liked, like musicians. So I'm hoping to get around to reading. It's called…creating–well I don’t know if this is a good translation but, like creating and joking around.”
“I mean, I'm kind of a hermit. So I don't think I've had too much interaction with a lot of people. Mostly like the other design kids, because I just by virtue of having class with them. But yeah, it's been kind of like a solo endeavor this year I think haha.”